
  1. “Love/ I pound the earth for you. I pound the earth.” — Donika Kelly
  2. “There is one thing I will remember/ all my life. It is as small/ & holy as the mouth/ of an infant. It is speechless.” — Terrance Hayes
  3. “Because one exists, everything exists.” — Thích Nhất Hạnh
  4. “For the time being, the entire earth and the boundless sky.” — Dōgen Zenji

  1. “…fiction has an immaterial reality that is exactly equivalent to material reality. It is no less or more real; it is simply different.” — Alan Moore
  2. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — C.G. Jung
  3. “The artist’s responsibility is to bring the potential, the mystery and terror, the trembling, back.” — Anne Bogart

  1. How something is made determines what is/ can be made.
  2. The creation of art is force-ful. Attention and presence must precede force.
  3. “An audience senses your attitude towards them. They smell your fright or condescension. They know instinctively that you want only to impress or conquer. They sense your engagement or lack of it. These qualities live in your body and are visible in your work. You must have a reason to do what it is that you do because these reasons are felt by anyone who comes in contact with your work. It matters how you treat people, how you take responsibility in a crisis, what values you develop, your politics, what you read, how you speak and even which words you choose. You cannot hide.” — Anne Bogart
  4. Our work is about learning to be together: What kinds of commitments are possible? What work goes into maintaining them? What durations and spaces can we afford each other? How is power distributed and used? How do we want to talk to each other? What are we each responsible for? How can we create the circumstances in which something might happen?
  5. zone is a temporary artistic structure with a shifting range of limits and possibilities. We are attentive to and ambitious about what is possible from moment to moment, and move courageously towards it.
  6. “That is to say, we will try to live up to the words we have written to you today: to keep our promises, to be the people we said we were, to stage what we know in the stillest hour of the night to be true, to remind ourselves of the impossible, the historical, to choreograph a dance to repair the world, to say, ‘We have become human again.’” — Goat Island