Dear T,
I was born in the morning. My mother's contractions started late in the night. She was watching Zorro. I entered the living world just before a new moon in Libra. But my natal Moon is in Virgo, at the anaretic degree. I live on the edge of that new moon, unable to enter it. Constantly on the cusp.
Even though I might not have kids, I have many things to birth and nurture. I am studying how to be a guardian of a world.
When and how were you born? What have you discovered about what it takes to keep something alive?
Dear T,
A group of people crossed the field, very slowly, on foot.
They were distinct, each carrying artefacts like books, and instruments, and machines of different sizes. Yet as they walked they looked like one body undulating beneath the heat. It was late in the hour of their species. Still there was work to do.
I heard them singing a song that went:
Love crosses the land
With a light that stills and moves us
It doesn't matter if it lasts
Love gives us our hands
I'll teach it to you the next time we meet.
Dear T,
I'm sorry about what I said. I've been tired of all the bad news. You're right. We might not have hope, but we must have conviction. My heart is broken, and still I believe in us. That makes me angry, too.
You are not stupid. Loving everyone is hard, but I believe you can do it.
Dear T,
That world you dream of living in already exists. That is why we will build it. The initial flashes of skin have become a body we can touch. I can smell it when I go outside. It is a scent that wafts between us and permeates the very words we speak. We are hungry for it. We are ready for it.
Dear T,
We have a room. I didn’t find it; I built it because that seemed easier. It’s not big, but it should fit the both of us.
You’re right. Something is still possible, and we must be brave about that.
I think I’m ready. Write back to me as soon as you can. We must meet. There is much to do together.